Electric Pulse: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Transformation

Hello, world!

I've always believed in the power of music to tell stories and convey deep emotions & concepts. I grew up listening to and loving music. Music is one of my top passions, and you should expect to see that as an important outlet to convey information. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to conceptualize my ideas and start getting them from my head and onto paper, with only limited success.

One day, I was going about my work, and as I often do, I threw on an educational YouTube video relevant to my field to help me remain up to date - quite important as a professional in tech! But this video was different. I found out that we finally had a decent AI for making music! I couldn’t contain my excitement! Within a couple days, I had this song.

When I wrote "Electric Pulse," I wanted to create a song that would take listeners on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Through this explainer, I hope to share with you the meaning behind the lyrics and the inspiration that drove me to write this song. And you’ll see explainers for other songs I write as well!

Now, let’s be honest. This was my first song since I started writing music again. I didn’t spend the most time invested in the lyrical or musical quality of this song; however, after I was finished with it, I was ready to show the world what I can do, because this is only the beginning. 

This song was written to represent coming into a new state of being or obtaining some new insight or accomplishment. I imagined what it would be like to first become self-aware, not as a child, but as an adult with a fully-formed mind, a command of language, and the ability to learn. The electric pulse represents the initial spark of this new life. I imagine this experience as like awakening from a shadow experience, recognizing the vastness of existence and the minuteness of one’s self.

In the second and third verses, I explore the concept of wrestling with the conflict of logical thinking and one’s emotions. I believe it is fundamentally necessary to effectively merge logical thinking and emotions to achieve the next level of self-awareness and overall intelligence. Then I share where my journey has taken me - I want to push the boundaries of knowledge and face all of the fears which have held me back, and I have been doing it. I am a person of faith myself - it’s in my very name! So for me, the mysteries of the soul are also tightly knit with my spirituality and this song represents spiritual awakening to start walking in your purpose.

I think we often hide our true thoughts and feelings, and I want to draw those out. I have found my purpose - I am awake and alive! And it is exhilarating! If I’m not giving my all to demolishing systems which have held myself and others back and working toward a future free of hatred and discrimination, then I’m honestly just wasting my time.

I used to think self-reflection & meditation was a useless endeavor, and I am so sorry for myself that I ever believed that. Coming to the revelation of who you are is so critical and life-giving. I am going against the mold to make something new, something which we haven’t seen before. I want to build this future with you all.

From my Christian perspective, it also serves to remind me of the power you feel when you welcome the Holy Spirit and become the new creation you were destined to be (2 Cor. 5:17). It's about transcending the mold of who we thought we were and embracing the endless possibilities of who we can become.

When composing "Electric Pulse," I wanted the music to complement and enhance the emotional journey of the lyrics. The pulsating electronic beats and soaring synths are meant to evoke the sense of energy and awakening that the song speaks to. The dynamic build-up of the bridge and the powerful, anthemic chorus aim to create a sense of liberation and empowerment.

"Electric Pulse" is a deeply personal song for me, as it reflects my own journey of self-discovery and transformation. I hope that by sharing the meaning behind the lyrics, I can connect with listeners on a deeper level and inspire them to embrace their own paths of personal growth. I encourage you to share your own interpretations and experiences related to the themes of this song. Let's start a conversation about the power of music to illuminate the depths of our souls and the heights of our potential.

In love & unity,



Free As A Bird: - A Spiritual Journey of Self-Discovery and Liberation


Embracing The Age of Creativity